Ronald McDonald House
Started in 1983, the Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon is a home away from home for families who have to travel to Vancouver for their children’s major medical treatments. In addition to providing housing for approximately 2000 families per year, The House provides programs and support for families that are facing the serious illness of a child. Some of RMH BC programs like the Family Meals program, and Art & Music therapy, help families cope with the challenges they face, both financially and emotionally.
When RMH BC reached out to see if I would be willing to create a mural for their outdoor play space I could not say yes fast enough. I have always been so inspired by the incredibly important work that their team does so having my art in there to help brighten people's day and maybe even give them some hope was an easy decision.
This painted mural is depicting Panorama View up in the Garibaldi National Park near Whistler, BC. The view from this location is like a breath of fresh air which I thought was perfect for the setting. The colour palette pulls from the vibrant blue and yellow in the courts surface below as well as the natural hues from the surrounding landscape.
We turned this mural into an illustration which was framed and placed in one of the offices as a special commemoration piece to one of the RMH BC team members.
It was such an honor to work with this incredible team.